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Showing posts from September, 2018

A Few Thoughts about the Accusations Made against Judge Kavanaugh

I have been quietly observing this whole Kavanaugh situation , but now I thought I'd offer a few thoughts.  I guess I haven't been accused of sexism recently enough.  In case you are unaware, the confirmation of Trump's most recent nomination for the Supreme Court is not going as smoothly as he would have hoped.  Depending on your perspective, Brett Kavanaugh is either reaping that which he has sown or is enduring character assassination the like of which most citizens will never begin to understand.  Regardless, it is a depressing commentary on the state of politics in the United States of America.  Here's my take: 1) It's always suspicious when a woman "goes public" with an accusation of sexual assault only when a conservative politician is about to attain an important office.  Can we all agree to that?  We've seen this one so many times before that it's difficult to be anything but cynical.  It's hard for the casual bystander not to ask, &

This is Why Having a "Pope" is a Bad Idea

Scandal seems to be the general theme of Pope Francis's tenure, and this year is no different.  If you've paid attention to the news at all recently, you've probably heard something about the Pope.  You see, it appears that he was privy to information  (regarding the sexual abuse of children by Roman Catholics priests) that the civil authorities in Pennsylvania would've probably appreciated being given.  That's not a good look for the Roman Catholic Church, to say the least, nor is it a good look for the Pope personally, which is why many different voices  are, both religious and secular, are calling for the Pope to resign. This, my friends, is why having a Pope is a bad idea. This is what happens when you don't listen to Jesus . Allow me to explain. You see, when I first heard that the Pope was being called upon to resign, I was stunned!  "Can you do that?" I thought.  Can you call the Vicar of Christ to resign? Now, I'm no fan of the Po