The recesses of Reformed Presbyterianism are filled with debates that make little sense to "normal" people. If the common man were to overhear two Presbyterians theologically duking it out in a Pub (or typing it out in the Pub ), he/she would probably be surprised that a) anyone cares that much, and/or b) that anyone has thought that much about whatever the given issue might be. That being said, one such perpetual debate occurs over what has been labeled Exclusive Psalmody, known to frequenters of internet forums simply as EP. EP is the view that only the Psalms are to be sung in public worship. The underlying principle--that we should only sing inspired words from God--allows for other portions of Scripture to be sung in worship, though, in my experience, that is rarely practiced, even if EP proponents allow for it. As with every view, EP has many shades and renditions. I hope I have fairly represented their view. As the...