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Showing posts from November, 2014

Pillars of the Church/Part 3: Breaking of Bread

The Pillars of the Church Part 3: Breaking of Bread I.                    Introduction a.      Last time we looked at the importance of fellowship                                                              i.       God commands it                                                           ii.       God uses fellowship as part of sanctification                                                        iii.       Fellowship is encouraging and refreshing b.      This time we are going to look at breaking of bread II.                 What is it? a.      Some commentators interpret this as generic sharing of meals—they ate together—because “breaking of bread” was/is a common idiom for sharing a meal b.      Most commentators have traditionally identified this as the Lord’s Supper c.      Part of the confusion might be the way we do the Lord’s Supper because while the ceremonial taking of the bread and wine was always distinct, it was often done in the greater context of

Philippians 3:17-4:1/Our Heavenly Citizenship

Philippians 3:17-21: Our Heavenly Citizenship I.                    Context a.      Paul is warning the Philippians about false teachers--the Judaizers--who put confidence in the flesh by demanding that the Gentiles be circumcised b.     Paul sarcastically lists reasons he could be confidence in the flesh c.      Paul insists that righteousness that is by faith in Christ, but makes sure they understand that pursuing righteousness is the goal of the Christian life II.                  Verse 17 a.      Paul implores the Philippians to follow his example—leaning on Christ but striving for holiness b.     He calls on them to take note of those who are serving Christ and to follow their example III.               Verses 18-21 a.      Paul gives us describes the difference between the citizens of Christ’s Kingdom and the enemies of the cross b.     The enemies of the cross are defined by: 1.     Their end is destruction 2.     Their god is their belly 3.     The ta