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Showing posts from March, 2013

The Resurrection

    As I was reading my Bible today, I read 2 Timothy 2:8, which says, " Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, the offspring of David, as preached in my gospel."  Seeing as we are coming upon Easter, I thought I'd take a moment to comment on the Resurrection of Jesus.       Paul tells Timothy to remember the Resurrection.  The Resurrection of Christ is an essential doctrine to the Christian faith, as Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 15.  In our day, however, many have denied the Resurrection.  They try to make Christianity and the Bible more acceptable by saying that miraculous events like a body coming back to the dead couldn't actually happen.  They say that it's a metaphor.  They say Jesus was just a teacher who showed us the path of sacrifice.  They water down the message of the Gospel.     The Resurrection was not merely a side note to the Apostles.  It was the foundation of their ministries.  Read the New Testament and try to ignore the Resurrection-

To Judge or Not to be the Judge....

    An issue that is hot in the Christian world is "To judge or not to judge?"  Jesus specifically said, "Judge not, lest ye be judged," right?  He did in fact say that (or something approximate), but what did He mean?  Did He mean that you are not to make a moral judgment in your own mind regarding another person's behavior?  Did He mean that we ought to accept any and all behavior?  Was He telling us that we should never, ever, absolutely never ever tell anyone else that what they are doing is forbidden by Scripture?  Should the elders of the Church wink at sin?      I don't think so.  If we balance Scripture against Scripture, other passages make it clear that Jesus meant none of those things.  Passages such as Matthew 18 and Galatians 6 suggest that Christian "iron sharpening iron" is not only permissible, but commendable.  The key is that we must do so humbly, with correct motives, and only so far as Scripture is explicit.       Without go