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Showing posts from February, 2023

I Visit the Cemetery (poem)

I visit the cemetery, To remember where I came from, To remember where I'm going. I visit the cemetery, Quaint, yet familiar, Nostalgic, now familial. I visit the cemetery, To say hello, To say goodbye again. I visit the cemetery, So I don't forget you, So I can stop thinking about you. I visit the cemetery, Antiquated, yet new, Dilapidated, yet fresh. I visit the cemetery, To remember where I came from, To remember where I'm going.

The Search for Catholicity

You keep using that word.  I do not think it means what you think it means. Inigo was, of course, referring to Vizzini's obsessive use of the word inconceivable , but we could just as accurately apply his famous quip to modern usage of the word catholic .   The 21st Century has found many Protestants, including myself, yearning for a sense of catholicity, and rightfully so.  Some Protestant bodies are actively trying to pursue this, whether institutionally, by creating formal bonds with other bodies, or informally, by fostering organic relationships with other Christians in their communities.  Some Reformed groups are using the term Reformed Catholic , while others, such as Evangelicals and Liberals, tend to use the word  ecumenical , but the idea or goal is the same--to realize the connection to the universal Church described in the New Testament and the Creeds.  An increasingly large number, however, feel that the only way to achieve true catholicity is to become Catholic , that

Non-Communing Member? 1 Corinthians 12, the Body, & Paedocommunion

A local Presbyterian church recently shared a Facebook post rejoicing that they had added several members to their rolls.  This is certainly a joyous occasion and I genuinely pray for the continued well-being and growth of their congregation.  I have great respect for their leadership and I count them as a faithful brethren, so I rejoice to see what God is doing in their midst. However...  Their phrasing caught my eye.  The caption stated that they had added a certain number of communing and non-communing members.  The paedocommunionist in me instantly flared up like a bad case of hives.  My wife and I, happening upon it at the same time, looked across the couch at each other with faces full of consternation.  A good friend of mine, who happens to be PC, as well, screenshot it and sent it to me, expressing the same gut-wrenching feeling.  We all had the same thought: What is a non-communing member?   Now, I know what a non-communing member is, grammatically speaking.  I am familiar