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Showing posts from December, 2022

Christmas is NOT about...

Christmas is not about gifts (we all know that, right?). Christmas is also not about  that  feeling you get  this  time of year; or ...the pretty lights, Hallmark movies, and idyllic blankets of snow; or ...the table full of Grandma's home cooking; or even No, Christmas is not about family. Now, all those things are good and wonderful in their place, gifts from God to be specially appreciated this time of year, but Christmas is not about any of those things. Christmas is about Jesus Christ. Christmas is Christ's Mass, a high feast day (season, actually) dedicated to the worship and remembrance of Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah. Christmas is about Emmanuel, God with us, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity incarnate. Christmas is about the Word, tabernacled among us to save us from the guilt and corruption of sin. Christmas is about the Light of the World, come to dispel the darkness wrought by the Fall.  So, celebrate with your families.  Enjoy the food and festivit

Why I Am NOT a Full Preterist

Confession: I flirted with Full Preterism  (FP) for a minute back in the day. If you like to stay abreast of controversies within the conservative Reformed world, you have most likely caught wind of the goings on related to  Gary DeMar .  Once the well-beloved author, speaker, and President of American Vision, DeMar has recently becomes controversial, more for the things he refuses to say than for what he has actually said.  His critics can point to few statements made or views espoused, but have called him out for refusing to clarify his views regarding important doctrines like The Second Coming, The Physical Resurrection of the Body, etc.  In short, he has repeatedly refused to affirm the historic, orthodox positions on these matters, choosing rather to equivocate and misdirect. This would be a red flag for any theologian, but it is doubly dangerous when the aforementioned theologian's specialty is Eschatology.  The debate has mostly remained confined to the dark recesses of soci