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Showing posts from November, 2022

Voting is NOT for Everyone

The idea that everyone should vote, that every voice matters , is patently false.   We all know this.   We do not allow certain groups of people to vote because we do not trust that they would make wise decisions.  For instance, we do not allow thirteen-year-olds to vote because we know that they are generally not mature enough to weigh issues or evaluate candidates and make well-informed decisions.  Certain criminals are barred from voting  because they have demonstrated that they do not respect the rule of law and are not qualified to influence the political direction of our nation.   We are all fully aware and supportive of this principle--certain people should not vote.   So it should not be shocking to suggest that we should have some sort of objective standard, say, a basic civic literacy test that one passes before he can participate in the electoral system. But it's my God-given right to vote! you declare.  Okay.  I'll grant that, but it also your right to drive a car,

Cancel Culture is Easy

Cancel culture is easy. Cancel culture is the easy way out. Cancel culture is for the lazy and unmotivated. Cancel culture is for the weak of mind and faint of heart. It's easy to write someone off because he said a word, shared a social media post, or quoted an author. It's easy to assume guilt by association. It's easy to destroy a person's career or excise him from your life because he misspoke or holds an opinion that bristles the hair on the back of your neck. It's easy to pick sides and beat the tribal drum. It's easy to get offended or triggered. It's easy to hate. Getting along is much harder. Nuance is much more difficult. Forgiveness is far more complex. Maintaining relationships requires way more effort and sacrifice. Covering a multitude of sins with love is painful. Having conversations takes time.