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Showing posts from October, 2022

Thoughts on the New Perspective on Paul

For the last few months I have been studying the so-called New Perspective on Paul .  While there are, of course, disparate views held by proponents of the NPP, there are enough central tenets to categorize the NPP as a unique perspective within the history of Biblical exegesis.  I have found my study to be somewhat frustrating as I have failed to come to concrete convictions on some of the different issues that comprise the debate.  This post will be a shotgun expression of my thoughts on the subject with the goal of clarifying some of my own opinions. 1) I am generally dissatisfied with the way that modern Evangelicals and even many Reformed folks express the works/faith dynamic.  I affirm the Reformed doctrine that Justification comes by grace through faith alone, but I think that the arguments between Protestants and Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Church of Christ, etc. are often framed in improper categories.  Faith works.  It is more than assent....

Elvis: A Film Review

I don't generally get excited about biopics, but when I heard that Baz Luhrmann was directing one about  Elvis , I thought it was the perfect pairing.  The final result did not disappoint.  Luhrmann managed to recreate the bright lights and pandemonium of Elvis's career, while simultaneously bringing a "bigger than life" rock star down to Earth.  Despite Luhrmann's lurid directorial style and Tom Hanks' caricature of Colonel Tom Parker, the film, equal parts entertaining and emotionally engaging, humanized a man most of us know only as a brand .  I suggest we allow Baz to helm all future biopics of pop culture icons. While my wife and I both thoroughly enjoyed the film, when the credits rolled, we were both left feeling what can only be described as sad .   As music lovers we were saddened that such talent and personal charisma were wasted.  Sure, Elvis had a relatively long and accomplished career by most standards, but he passed at a ...