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Showing posts from July, 2021

One Apostolic Church?

Many Christians, particularly those within liturgical traditions, raise their voices in concert every Sunday, affirming the Christian Faith by reciting the Nicene Creed.  The product of doctrinal development from the Kerygma through the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed embodies in dogmatic form the positive statements of truth that comprise the objective criteria for identifying the Christian religion.   One of these foundational affirmations is, "We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church." Many people mumble this affirmation without much thought.  If any part of that sentence draws a rise, it's normally the oft-misunderstood word catholic , but what about that word  apostolic ?  What are we to make of it?  What does it mean that the Church is apostolic ? For our Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox brethren, affirming the apostolicity of the Church is relatively simple.  They understand what they mean by it and they really mean it....

Growing Out My Hair

I'm considering growing out my hair.  Like, really growing it out.   I've never had the endurance to grow it out, properly speaking, though I've always been curious to see what I would look like with hair past my shoulders.  A little piece of me has dreamt of having long locks since I first saw Tommy on Power Rangers.   I can still vividly recall how completely my six-year-old self was enthralled by his luscious mane.  I made the mistake of mentioning how cool Tommy's hair was, which led to my father forbidding us from watching Power Rangers.  He said it was because the show was too violent (laughable, I know), but I knew it was because of Tommy's hair.   My dad always hated long hair on men, and he defined long hair as anything over the ears.  He particularly hated it when his own son grew his hair out to any significant degree. "Isn't it about time for a haircut?" he'd prod, much less subtly than he imagined. Being the non-confro...

Quit (a poem)

Oh, my soul, Quit chasing waves, Stand not at the shore, Watching them fade. Oh, my mind, Quit watching clocks, Waste not time consumed By ticks and tocks. Oh, my heart, Quit mourning leaves, Miss not the forest For long lost trees.

Failure (a lament)

I fail, I fail, Daily, I fail. How  I am humbled By my pride! How I am abandoned By self-restraint! I find I am like my father, But with a sailor's mouth. Father , How  Incredible a role! How  Miserably I fail! How I mourn My weaknesses! How  I long for A gentle spirit! I fail, I fail, Daily, I fail.