Millennials. Much proverbial ink has been spilled bemoaning our well-documented flaws, but that's not what I'm here to do. I'm not here to predict the demise of our culture because of a generation that refuses to do anything but listen to "music" and drink craft beer. I am not here to talk about how all of society's problems are blamed on us despite the fact that these issues have existed throughout the history of mankind and are simply exacerbated/more noticeable due in the age of technology. I'm not here to talk about how our parents' and grandparents' generations laid the foundation for our licentious, hedonistic lifestyle. I am here, however, to say that we Millennials need to reevaluate our priorities. So, fellow Millennial, what is important to you? In an age where our open eyes are rarely off of a screen, what is truly important to you? In a culture that rarely stops to think deeply about anything, what holds value for you? ...