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Showing posts from September, 2012

David's Farewell Address: Part 1/Sermon Presented 9/2

In the chapters leading up to chapter 28, we find the final works of David.  In Chapter 22 we see him prepare for the building of the Temple .  In 23 we see him organize the Levites and in 24 we see the division of labor for the priests.  In 25 he organizes the musicians and in 26 he organizes the gatekeepers and treasurers and other officials.  Lastly, in 27, he appoints military leaders.  Finally, in 28, as his last kingly act, he addresses the people to give them his final wishes and to pass on the scepter to his son, Solomon.  It is this final speech that we will study in the final two chapters of 1 Chronicles.  Through this speech we will seek to understand essentially two things.  1, we will learn what it means to be a good leader, and 2, we will learn what it means to pass along the covenant.      Beginning with verse 1:  Read verses 1-3.   David calls together all the leaders of the people.  There were political representatives, military commanders, and even heads of the

Problem Solving and the Church

  It seems to me that solving actual problems in practical ways is an area in which the Church has been extremely impotent in the last few decades.  Perhaps this has been a problem for many centuries.  After all, the basic issues at the root of the problem come from universal principles of man's sinful nature--problems that span all cultures and ages.     I think one of the main problems in our day is the fact that people (elders and laymen alike) are more interested in avoiding embarrassment than they are in purging sin from their congregation.  Church discipline has been utilized to purge people instead of purging sin.     I think this has led to people becoming extremely afraid and embarrassed to present a sin problem to their church leaders or fellow church members.  People who struggle with sin that they would sincerely like to overcome are too afraid to admit that sin because they think they will be shunned and ostracized.  Unfortunately, precedent solidifies their fears.