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Showing posts from July, 2012

Doubt-- A Sermon Delivered 7/29/12

John 20:19-31     Today I would like to discuss the topic of doubt.  We can learn many things about this subject by observing this episode between Jesus and Doubting Thomas; but first, let’s look at the context.  Verse 19 tells us that it was the evening of the first day.  This was the Sunday on which Jesus was resurrected.  The first 18 verses of this passage describe for us Mary’s encounter with the empty tomb.  Upon finding the tomb empty, Mary immediately went and alerted Peter and John, who ran to the tomb and investigated.  Surely enough, all that was left in the tomb was the burial cloths of Jesus.  Peter and John went home without seeing Jesus at that time.  Mary, however, stayed by the tomb weeping and Jesus appeared to her.      Mary went and told the disciples that she had seen Jesus.  Can you imagine the joy they would have had?  Their crucified Teacher had arisen from the dead!  There had probably been some confusion over the empty tomb.  The disciples may have won